Jan 31, 2013

Give me some C

 The flu has taken over the house!
Son came home from ski trip last week,
I came home from London last week,
and now we're both sick. ( I don't blame the traveling though)
Little it helped with our home made vitamin boost we made in the weekend.
Perhaps I need to make a another version of "himalaga" juice (home made) propped with more vitamin C.

This one is made of oranges, carrots and ginger and taste delicious.

Jan 28, 2013

Tamed tulips

 My tulips before:
and my tulips after:
It helped with some pine twigs that I picked in the forest today.

Jan 27, 2013


 I'm home again after a few fabulous days in London.
 Cold, wet and windy but still fab. Love this city more and more. 
And of course a big plus is to meet up with my daughter.
One of the great things we did was lunching at this fantastic place,
 perfect situated close to Brick Lane.
Written about it before; Les trois garçons.
Expensive, yes, but ooh so tasty.

Jan 21, 2013

My travel triangle

This will be my travel pattern the next few weeks.
Didn't have to wait long for my plane tickets :-)

C U 

Jan 20, 2013

Oh deer

Found this cute one at Cactus the other day.
Perfect now when it's cold and snowy outside.
Wish you a peaceful Sunday evening.

Jan 19, 2013

Have a wonderful weekend!

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
Few plans and a lot of spare time.
Have some tasks I need to do, but only nice and creative things :-)
Wish you all a nice and "sweet" weekend.

Jan 17, 2013

Crispy and cold

Yet another ccccold morning in Luxembourg.
But oh my so lovely.
 Just had to open the window and fill the bedroom with fresh air. 
Even the duvets got a cold treatment, and my new dress which soon will be packed in my suitcase.

Jan 16, 2013

Pink it is!

The best thing about January?
Get rid of red Christmas stuff, clean the house and let pink move in!

And outside the nature is covered in a white blanket.
Wonderful, white January. 
Enjoy it while you can, tomorrow it could be gone....

Jan 14, 2013


Did you know that there are GTD-coaches? 
Coaches that are specialized in to Get Things Done? 
I saw it first time on Norwegian tele this morning. The strange thing is that yesterday my head was so messed up with to many ideas, thoughts and things that I want to do, but don't no where to begin. 
So I draw a mind map over my goals in 2013 to make it easier to see things clearer.  And with a little help from the TV coach today I feel loaded with energy and will start at once with my projects, 
first out is to clear my inbox from thousand or so mails......

Jan 13, 2013

Inspiration on a Sunday

Searching for some inspiration or just want to look at nice pictures?
Then check out the amazing 
That Inspirational Girl

Ps. Met this lovely peacock at Park Paloma in Spain a few years ago.

Jan 12, 2013

What happened here?

I seldom look at my statistics, but yesterday I had to take a second look.
What a peak!
As I've said before I mainly blog for my family and friends and of course others who would be interested in how we live our lives. I have on an average day around 100 hits on my page, but on the 8th I had 4 times as many!
And I have no clue why! 
Any idea?

Jan 11, 2013


Looking forward to a relaxing weekend without any big plans.
Well, one plan is to have chocolate fondue for dessert.
 That's not the worst plan, is it?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jan 8, 2013

Good feeling

Oh my oh my, what's wrong with me?

I have been home for 5 days after my last travel and for the first time in a long, long time I have no unused plane tickets in my drawer.
 Seriously! I almost have abstinences!

But feel much better now, just booked a ticket, puhhhh :-)))

Jan 7, 2013

Slalom on a Sunday

As a Norwegian family you may think we are dedicated skiers?
WRONG! Skiing is well down on my list over things I want to do.
Unfortunately this is something I've transferred over to my children.
 My husband on the other hand was a good skier (he has now 2 x knees surgeries), but then he met me and, well .... I say no more.
So, when our son came home and said that they are going for a ski week with his PE group we thought it would be a good idea to "warm up" a bit.

So our first Sunday in 2013 we went skiing at the
 indoor snowhall in Amnéville, France.

Had a great time though, honestly.

Jan 5, 2013

Healthy and home made

Perhaps you are like us (my husband more than me though)?
New year and a lot of new year's resolutions?
Well, I started the weekend by making this healthy, swedish thin bread.
Lot's of taste and seeds, topped with some garlic salt from France.
Perfect as snack....

Nice weekend to you all

Jan 2, 2013


I proudly present to you
a new online magazine


Jan 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear all!
Wish you a fabulous 2013!
Still in Norway, poor blogging, but keeping my Instagram
Will soon be back on track.
 C U