Jan 30, 2011

English breakfast

Sunday morning we did something we've never done before. We went to Little Britain in Capellen and had breakfast. Typical british breakfast, with scrambled eggs, bacon and bagel. That was something different from my usually swedish crispbread Wasa, and I tell you it will be a very late dinner today. Gosh....

Panier de feu

We tried out our new panier de feu (fire basket?) yesterday afternoon.
It was below 0 degrees, but so what? We have blankets, sheepskin, marshmallows and hot chocolate. And not to forget that we are Norwegians and used to low temperatures.....

Jan 29, 2011


The sun rising behind the hill and the trees.
Lovely Saturday morning in Luxembourg.

Jan 28, 2011

Plastic Bag?

Well, yes and no. I've got this vase from my brother- and sister in law for christmas and think it's so cool. "Le Sack" is suisse made and from Trendform. As it says on the cover:
- fill Le Sack with warm water
-hand form Le Sack into desired shape
-empty and re-fill Le Sack with cold water
-add some flowers- voilà Le Sack

exist in different colours and sizes

Good morning!

8 o'clock and have my morning coffee. No big plans for the day, except work out ( but not sure if I should choose zumba or FAC/streching?) Need to clean the house after that (no cleaning lady in this house, no), and do the shopping for the weekend. Then some lunch. Need to work on my web page. Then I guess its time to pick up children from school.....
(is this a typical day for an expat housewife?? just asking...)

Nice weekend to you all

Jan 27, 2011


These goblets are actually empty scented candles from Ikea. They have now got a new life as drinking glass. I really can't throw away things that is in perfect condition (guess how my cupboards look like ;-))

Jan 26, 2011


I was out the other day searching for some curtains when I found these unusual wallpapers. Haven't figured out yet if I like them or not, and where do you use such a wallpaper?? (sorry for bad quality, had only my Iphone with me that day)

Jan 24, 2011

New found

Well, I've been to the secondhand shop (the one right over the border to Belgium) again! I think I was lucky since I found this beautiful old chair for less than 20 euros. I really like the colour and the details of this chair, but yet not know where to place it....And if somebody out there can tell me what style/period it is from I would be happy.....

Jan 23, 2011

Art Cafe

So we ended up at Art Café, close to the Capucins Theatre in centre of Luxembourg, on Saturday. Have not been there for ages. I love the eclectic mix of chairs, tables, fabrics and colours. The menu and the prices we can of course discuss, but we come for the cosy atmosphere and the great coffee (and the ice tea (fait maison) in summer)

Jan 21, 2011


.... again! Can't believe how fast the weeks goes. Looking forward to a very relaxing weekend. No parties or fancy dinners, just be with my family, perhaps go to town for a coffee or so. And we will of course send an extra warm hug and love to my sweet, charming and funny niece in Norway who will be 4 this Sunday (gratla med dagen, lille venn)
Nice weekend to you all!

The moon...

....through a frosted window.

Jan 20, 2011

Rome in January

Lately my son has asked me if we please can go back to Rome. I know he has this as a topic at school these days, but I think that it's his addiction to his new Xbox game that is the real reason (is that bad?).... But for sure Rome is a city that you can visit many times and not get bored. So next time we go it will not be in January, because I would like to wear sandals. And we will be standing in the queue as long as it takes to get in to The Sistene Chapel. We will sit longer at Campo de Fiori to have a glass or two more of wine. And buy an extra large gelato at the ice cream bar opposite The Pantheon. Or do some seriouse shopping in the boutiques close to The Spanish Steps... or just walk the streets and soak in the atmosphere.
Ohhh, I wanna go back!

Jan 19, 2011

Need inspiration!

In springtime we will try to set up a little photo exhibition from my photography class. The idea is to make a series of 5 pictures each which should suppose to tell a story. I have no clue what to choose! The other day I bought two magnificent photo books which I hope will give some type of inspiration......
Any ideas? Please let me know :-)

Jan 17, 2011

Ride the bike

Blessed with nice weather on Sunday, my boys had an amusing time on the bike

An evening in Maastricht

And after a long day with shopping, lunch and shopping again we sat down and had the first, outdoor, glass of wine in 2011. What a great day we had! Thanx  

A day in Maastricht

I spent my Saturday this weekend with my friend in the lovely, little town of Maastricht (Netherland) just a couple of hours drive from Luxembourg. Maastricht is full of boutiques and good shopping, as well as narrow streets, great coffee and thousands of bicycles.....

Jan 13, 2011


It is official!!! And I am so proud!!!
About what? Ok, before Christmas I received a phone call from LHL (which is the Norwegian organization for Lung- and Heart disease) that the jury had picked out 2 of my photos for an exhibition! They will tour Norway to 11 towns the next months, together with 38 other photos. With over 600 contributions to this competition/campaign I think that that is pretty good:-) Take a look at the photos here

Jan 11, 2011

Am Tunnel

Had the first photo course in -11 today. First we met up for some breakfast before we went to an art exhibition. This was my first time at the Am Tunnel (which is an underground tunnel going from a bank to another in Lux centre). The German artist/photographer Petra Arnold has quite a big exhibition with mostly portraits, but also still life and documentary pictures. I liked many of her pictures, but must admit that a few of them were not my taste at all (but sometimes art should provoke a bit, shouldn't it?)

Jan 10, 2011


I was rather quick with my removal of christmas decorations, but decided to keep a few things in my livingroom. Like the cinnamon sticks and hyasint because they smell so good. And my "wooden" lantern because it fits so nice now in the wintertime.

Jan 7, 2011

Under water

Here comes the rain and the water. Many parts of Luxembourg is today under water, even our area is threatened. So I sit at home and listen to Katie Melua`s The Flood and cross my fingers that our house will not be over flooded, while I see people from the Fire Dep. patrol the area....  

Jan 6, 2011


Before Christmas I had a "norwegian" brunch with some friends. A few days ago I received a link to the Suisse (expat) web magazine called Mamizeit where you can read about, exactly, my party and other christmas confusions and fusions..... read the article here

Jan 3, 2011


It was time to end christmas today. Feel a bit sad for that because I think it give such a nice atmosphere in the house. But since we started early in December it was now the time, and to be honest it is only 11 months till I will start my christmas decorations again.....

Jan 2, 2011


On this sunny winter day we dusted of the old cross country skis and tried them for a round or two (believe me it is many years since I had them on, and yes it was harder then I remembered). Afterwards we made a bonfire and grilled some hotdogs (just like we norwegians like to do it....) 

Jan 1, 2011

Happy New Year

New year and new possibilities!
Will wish all off you a very nice and a happy new year!!!!